Candace Bowers, 650-903-6337, http://www.mvreads.org, email: info(at)mvreads.org
Mountain View, CA -- Three Cups of Tea, the multiple award-winning book and #1 New York Times bestseller, by Greg Mortenson and David Oliver Relin is this year’s choice for the third annual Mountain View Reads Together. This book recounts the unlikely journey that starts with Mortenson’s failed attempt to climb Pakistan’s K2, the world’s second highest mountain. After receiving life-saving help from villagers, Mortenson vows to repay that kindness by building those villagers a school. Mortenson’s passionate determination enables him to successfully build schools and promote education and peace in some of the most remote regions of Afghanistan and Pakistan.
Mountain View Reads Together offers a rich variety of activities around one book in order to encourage Mountain View to get together and talk about the book and its themes. Even if you haven’t read the book, families, neighbors, and those in Mountain View can still talk or learn about it and attend activities. For the fullest experience, read the book over the summer and mark your calendars to attend free activities in November based on this true story and its themes of charity, education, and living life to its fullest. Buy the book on Castro Street in downtown Mountain View at Books Inc. or East West Bookstore, and 10% of the sales will be donated to the City of Mountain View Public Library.
To encourage even more community participation and creativity, this year a short film competition is being held. Produce a film, ten minutes or shorter, inspired by Three Cups of Tea and compete for publicity, cash, and other prizes. Films will be judged according to relevance to the book’s themes, creativity, filmmaking quality, inspirational qualities, and popularity. Prizes are provided by sponsors of the film contest: KMVT15, Talk Cinema, and Pure Digital. First prize wins $500, the new Flip Ultra video camcorder, and a pass to Talk Cinema’s Sneak Preview Film Series in Palo Alto. Second and third prizes win a Flip Ultra. The top three films will be broadcast on community television channel, KMVT15. For more details, please see the website.
Tying into the book’s theme of charity, a Pennies for Peace program will also be held this fall. This program created by the Central Asia Institute, the non-profit formed by Mortenson, educates American children about the world beyond their experience and shows them that they can make a positive impact on a global scale, one penny at a time. Contact us if you are willing to run a Pennies for Peace program within your Mountain View-based organization.
Mountain View Reads Together is presented by the City of Mountain View Public Library and planned by a committee of mostly volunteers. More volunteers and ideas are encouraged.
Contact: Candace Bowers, 650-903-6337, http://www.mvreads.org, email: info(at)mvreads.org
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