30 people gathered at the police department on Saturday at 10AM. People said they liked the real-life scenario, Q&A and discussion.

Unfortunately, Chief Vermeer had a schedule conflict. Captain Freeberg filled in most capably (and on his day off). He tied topics in with the book and was able to answer questions referring to
Blink subjects and scenarios. Those who hadn't read the book had no problems still finding this activity interesting; those who filled out surveys all indicated that they planned to read it.

Immediately after the police event, the Spanish-language activity for kids took place at the library. Maynard clearly had their attention with his expressive reading. Big smiles, eyes showing delight, and laughter all indicated the kids were having lots of fun.
I really liked hearing how forward thinking our PD is (this really came out in the Q&A with the Captain). Changing the processes and techniques they use based on modern psychology research is very smart.
I am pleased the presentation presented by the Police Department was considered so successful. There were a lot of great questions and discussion by the group. We had the opportunity to tie-in the book “Blink” with real police scenarios versus police movies we may see on television.
The Mountain View Police Department presents a Community Police Academy which is a 10 session program. The academy provides participants with an extensive overview of police operations including: investigations, evidence collection, youth programs, crime prevention, patrol operations and more! The class also includes a one-day driver training program where students are allowed to drive patrol vehicles and experience a pursuit, including lights and sirens. If you are interested in participating in the academy or would like more information, contact Steve McCoy (650) 903-6707 or steve.mccoy@mountainview.gov.
I am pleased the presentation presented by the Police Department was considered so successful. There were a lot of great questions and discussion by the group. We had the opportunity to tie-in the book “Blink” with real police scenarios versus police movies we may see on television.
The Mountain View Police Department presents a Community Police Academy which is a 10 session program. The academy provides participants with an extensive overview of police operations including: investigations, evidence collection, youth programs, crime prevention, patrol operations and more! The class also includes a one-day driver training program where students are allowed to drive patrol vehicles and experience a pursuit, including lights and sirens. If you are interested in participating in the academy or would like more information, contact Steve McCoy (650) 903-6707 or steve.mccoy@mountainview.gov.
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