Friday, December 11, 2009

Help Select the Book for 2010!

If you'd like to help select the book that Mountain View will be reading in 2010, please contact Karin Bricker (, (650) 526-7042.

A planning meeting will take place in March 2010, with a date to be finalized later.

In the meantime, think of books that lend themselves to good discussion and diverse activities. Ask others you know, too!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Artists' Reception on December 2, 2009

The winning artists and their pieces of art at the reception held the evening of December 2 at the City of Mountain View Public Library lobby.

Magnetic Bookmarks on stand: photographs suggested by the book and the inspiring quotes. By Nanci Tousignant
Pillow with bookcover and iconic swatches suggested by the book. By Susan Morgan.
"A Higher Place" (charcoal drawing) by Lynn Fennema
"Don't Be Afraid" (paper collage) by Karen Zellers
"The Fall Garden" by Amanda Miller (pictured) and Carly Miller.
Susan Morgan presents the Mailbox pillow as a gift to the author, Audrey Shafer (on left).

Tuesday, October 06, 2009

November 2009 "The Mailbox" Events

The November events are now listed at

Author Audrey Shafer will speak at the library, Books Inc., and local schools. Other activities include an art contest, calligraphy class, pop-up card workshop, talk about traumatic stress, and an event centered around dogs (& cats, too).

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Art Contest -- due November 2

("Flowers!" by Amanda and Carly Miller, ages 8 and 12, respectively)
  • Read the book — “The Mailbox” by Audrey Shafer
  • Create a work of art in any medium suggested by the book’s themes
  • Art must not exceed 16”H x 18”W x 20”D
  • Submit your art and the info below by November 2
  • Artwork will be displayed in the Library’s lobby through December 1
  • Artists’ reception Monday, December 1 at 7pm in the Community Room
  • Prizes will be awarded to three winning entries and five honorable mention submissions.
Name of work/description:

Submit your work & entry form by November 2 to either of these librarians:

Karin Bricker, Children’s Services, 650.526.7042
Candace Bowers, Adult Services, 650.903.6887

Download PDF of Art Contest flyer.

Did you know that Mountain View is joining in celebrating October National Arts and Humanities Month? For more information, visit You can create your Mountain View Reads Together art piece and also fill out the October Arts Challenge entry form and you'll have TWO chances for different prizes. You can submit your Arts Challenge entry form by mailing it to the City Clerk or turning it in at the library in the autumnal mailbox shown above.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Secret Delivery

Artist: Michele Mitcavish
Napa County , California
"Secret Delivery"
Fused and Cut Glass Mosaic

"I wanted to take a dreamy approach to my interpretation of the book, "The Mailbox". While I was reading the book, I started to make notes of things that jumped out at me in the story. As wisps of the book's images ran through my imagination, I drew them onto the box. I also incorporated some of the key phrases from the text into the imagery. Then I began cutting and melting the glass. The rhododendrons, flames and green envelope (inside) were all fused in a glass kiln and then filled in with hundreds of pieces of cut glass for the areas of color. After the glass was adhered, I completed the grouting to make sure the mailbox could weather the outdoors. I find working in the medium of mosaic gives me the freedom to visually pull the different elements together to create a complete story."

The Mailbox was the book choice for 2008 Napa County Reads. On November 7th, 2008, Arts Council Napa Valley, the Napa County Office of Education, the Napa County Board of Supervisors, artists, and community members celebrated the Napa County Reads program at an auction and benefit at Artesa Winery. The book was the inspiration for 28 artful mailboxes designed by local artists and auctioned off at the event. The proceeds benefitted Napa County Reads, a literacy program sponsored by the Napa County Office of Education.

2009 Book Choice: The Mailbox

The Mailbox by Audrey Shafer has been selected as 2009’s Mountain View Reads Together book. This is the first book chosen that was written for a younger audience.

Gabe is a 12 year old who has moved from foster home to foster home and is eventually adopted by a reclusive uncle, a Vietnam Veteran. As the book begins, the boy returns home from school to find the uncle has died unexpectedly. Not wanting to return to foster care, he decides to keep the death a secret. He is aided in this by a mysterious person who communicates with him by leaving messages in the mailbox.

The 178 page book is written for grades 4 and up but should appeal to adults as well. It is a good one for families to discuss. It addresses the lingering effects of the Vietnam War on participants, the plight of a 12 year old orphan who longs for a family, the importance of pets, the value of reading, and a caring community--all wrapped up in a compelling mystery.

The author, a Mountain View resident, is a professor of anesthesiology at Stanford and an anesthesiologist at Veterans Affairs Palo Alto Health Care System.

Watch for upcoming details about the November 2009 series of Mountain View Reads Together. More details will be on the Library's website.