1. Saturday Kicks Off MV Reads Together 2008
2. MVHS Art Reception (Nov. 3, 5:30-7pm)
3. Margo McAuliffe's Path to Kenyan Girls' School (Nov. 10, 6:30pm)
1. Saturday Kicks Off MV Reads Together 2008
During the entire month of November Mountain View Reads Together is encouraging a community conversation around the themes of this year's selection, Three Cups of Tea.
Getting to Know Your Muslim American Neighbors
Library Community Room
Saturday, November 1, 2-3pm
2. MVHS Art Reception
Meet the artists from Mountain View High School at the opening of their month-long art show at the City Hall Rotunda. Over 80 pieces of work will be displayed -- photography, painting, and digital art. Some of the pieces might be controversial – experience it yourself and talk to the artist.
MVHS Art Show Reception
City Hall Rotunda
Monday, November 3, 5:30-7pm
3. Margo McAuliffe's Path to Kenyan Girls' School

Although the funding came from the US, this is an African project, with Kenyan architects, engineers, and builders. Margo divides her time between the US and Kenya, as the final phases of the school project continue.
Margo will speak following the rescheduled screening of PBS documentary "Back to School."
"Back to School" & Margo McAuliffe
Library Community Room
Monday, November 10, 6:30pm